REHYDRATING WITH THE RIGHT FLUIDS There is no question that fluids are the key to dehydration prevention. But which fluids or beverages are best? Should the athlete reach for plain old water or gulp down a sports drinks? Generally speaking, sports drinks seem to be more effective at improving performance than plain water. They have been shown to improve performance of moderate to high intensity activity. This is because they provide additional carbohydrates and electrolytes that water lacks. Athletes performing activities that result in moderate to high amounts of sweat loss need the carbohydrates and extra electrolytes that water can't provide. Athletes should also check that their fluids contain moderately high amounts of sodium when optimal rehydration is required. HERE'S WHAT TO DO: Fluid Recommendations For Sporting Events Lasting Under One Hour: Fluid Recommendations For Sporting Events Lasting One to Three Hours: Fluid Recommendations For Sporting Events Lasting Greater than Three Hours: Powered by™
Dehydration plays a major role in the development of heat-illnesses and is prevalent among moderate to high intensity athletes especially during the hot summer months. Just as your car requires an abundance of circulating fluid to prevent it's engine from overheating, so too does your body. Combining strenuous exercise, hot and or humid weather along with a lack of fluids, makes you a model candidate for acquiring a heat illness.
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