Health In-Site
November 2008 - Volume 100
This Issue's Feature Articles:
» Chiropractic Care Effective In Managing Leg and Arm Pain
» Neck Pain Needs Proper Care and Attention
» A Growing Population of Medicated Children
» Motivation Key To Exercising
» Chiropractic Care Effective In Managing Leg and Arm Pain
A recent study finds chiropractic care highly effective for patients suffering from lower back (lumbar) and neck (cervical) radiculopathy pain, numbness and/or tingling extending down the arm(s) or leg(s) due to nerve irritation related to the spine. In this study consisting of 162 patients, each received chiropractic manipulation, neuromobilization and exercise stabilization. Of the 162 patients, 10 unresolved cases were referred for epidural steroid injections, 10 were referred for further medical medication management and 3 cases were referred to undergo surgery. However, a total of 86 percent had resolution of their primary radicular complaints following their chiropractic care and thus were not required to received injections, medication management or surgery. According to the authors of the study, The conservative management strategy we reviewed in our sample produced favorable outcomes for most of the patients with radiculopathy. The strategy appears to be safe. If you or another is suffering from pain, numbness or tingling in the extremities, contact your local chiropractor for a thorough evaluation. As this study demonstrates, chiropractic care is effective in many cases of cervical and lumbar radiculopathy and can be an appropriate, safe, non-invasive therapy for many.
Source: Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. Volume 7, Issue 3.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» Neck Pain Needs Proper Care and Attention
Neck pain with or without arm pain is one of the most common reasons to visit a chiropractor. However, many avoid seeking care for some time or wait until their pain becomes unbearable, hoping somehow that the pain will simply disappear. While in some cases the pain and discomfort does in fact go away, in a great number of those cases, it eventually resurfaces. Fortunately, most cases of neck pain can be successfully managed in a safe, non-invasive way. Some of the methods of care utilized by chiropractors include manual therapy and exercise. A recent study comparing manual physical therapy and exercise to passive care consisting of basic advice, mobility exercise and ultrasound found manual therapy and exercise superior. Its important to note that most chiropractic care is hands on and does not simply consist of passive-type therapies such as ultrasound, although in certain cases this can be useful. In fact, one of the reasons many prefer chiropractic care is the hands on, attentive nature of chiropractic care. If you havent tried chiropractic care for your neck pain, as well as other aches and pains, or, for your overall health/wellness needs, we urge you to call your local chiropractor today. Chiropractic care is natural, non-invasive and extremely safe.
Source: Spine. 33(22):2371-2378, October 15, 2008.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» A Growing Population of Medicated Children
According to a new report published in the November 2008 issue of Pediatrics, the number of children being medicated for chronic illnesses in the U.S. is rapidly increasing. The findings come from medical insurance data collected from 3.5 million insured children aged 5 to 19 years old during 2002 through 2005. During this period, researchers discovered that all chronic illnesses tracked were associated with medication increases with most significantly increased. Those medications tracked included anti-hypertensives, anti-hyperlipidemics, type-2 anti-diabetics, anti-depressants, attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications, and asthma-controller therapy. Some of the significant increases in medications included type-2 anti-diabetic medications doubling, asthma medications increasing 46.5 percent, ADD and ADHD medications increasing 40.4 percent, and anti-hyperlipidemic medications increasing 15 percent. In the report, authors stated, "As chronic prescription use grows, so too do the risks of drug-related adverse effects and drug-drug interactions."
Source: Pediatrics, Vol. 122 No. 5 November 2008.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» Motivation Key To Exercising
While many have specific reasons when starting an exercise program, the original reason behind initiating an exercise program may not be enough to sustain exercising long-term. New research indicates that similar to yo-yo dieting, many who start exercising have a difficult time sticking to exercising in a long-term fashion. For example, individuals who purchased home exercise equipment had a 73 percent increased likelihood they would start exercising as compared with those who did not. However, these same individuals were no more likely to be actively exercising at the one-year mark as compared with those who had not purchased any form of home exercise equipment. Thus, there may need to be reasons to maintain an exercise program that differ from those reasons that got one started in the first place. First and foremost and similar to successful weight loss, exercising really needs to be viewed as a lifestyle change with constant attention to maintaining the program. If unrealistic exercising goals and methods are implemented early on, there is little chance of maintaining this into the future. Exercise must be properly planned and must be realistically integrated into ones lifestyle to ensure long-term success.
Source: Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2008.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008