Feature Articles:
Chiropractic Helps Pediatric Asthma Patients
A study at the Wolfe-Harris Center for Clinical Studies, Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, MN, found that chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), in addition to optimal medical management, resulted in clinically important changes in asthma-related outcomes in children. A total of 36 children with mild and moderate persistent asthma were admitted to the study. After 3 months, the children rated their quality of life substantially higher and their asthma severity substantially lower. Asthma severity ratings showed a reduction of 39% and there was an overall improvement rating corresponding to 50% to 75%. These improvements were maintained at the 1-year follow-up assessment.
SOURCE: Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics 2001 24:369-77 |
Neck and Low Back Pain Patients Prefer Chiropractic
The Epidemiology Program, Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Alberta in Edmonton completed a study on how neck and low back pain are leading causes of morbidity and health care utilization. The objective was to identify the characteristics of patients who consult medical doctors, chiropractors, or both. Compared with medical patients, fewer chiropractic patients reported arthritis. Additionally, chiropractic patients reported better social and physical functioning. The study concluded that patients consulting chiropractors alone report fewer comorbidities and are less limited in their activities than those consulting medical doctors.
SOURCE: Med Care 2001 September 39(9):956-67 |
Chiropractic Utilization Down Under
A survey was conducted in New South Wales Australia to determine the use of complementary therapies. A total of 70.3% of respondents reported using one or more therapies with 62.7% having visited a complementary practitioner. Vitamin/mineral therapy (68.7%), chiropractic (26.1%), and massage therapy (25.1%) were the most frequently used therapies. The most commonly visited practitioners were chiropractors (55.3%). The was study conducted by the School of Biomedical Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia.
SOURCE: Australian Journal of Rural Health 2001 August 9(4):166-71 |
Nurses Perception of Chiropractic Favorable
A random sample of 1000 nurses throughout the United States was surveyed to determine their thoughts on complementary and alternative therapies. About half of the respondents perceived there was conclusive evidence or preponderance of evidence that five therapies were effective: biofeedback, chiropractic, meditation/relaxation, multi-vitamins, and massage therapy. The same amount of nurses also perceived five therapies as definitely safe: hypnotherapy, chiropractic, acupressure, acupuncture, and healing touch.
SOURCE: Journal of Community Health 2001 June 6 (3):175-89 |