Feature Articles:
Spinal Manipulation May Help Asthma Patients
Patients suffering from asthma may benefit from spinal manipulation, according to a study presented at the 9th International Conference on Spinal Manipulation in Toronto. Trials conducted at 16 treatment centers in Australia found that only the patient group which underwent spinal manipulation displayed significant improvement in asthma symptoms as well as depression and anxiety scores. In addition, patients undergoing spinal manipulation displayed biochemical changes suggesting that increased immunological capacities would be expected to ward off subsequent asthmatic attacks.
SOURCE: Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research |
Lifting Hurts the Lower Back
Lift a lot? A study of manual handling workers found that lower back symptoms were the most frequent complaints, followed by the shoulders, upper back, hips/upper legs and the neck. The fingers were the area of least concern. The study also found that approximately 85% of lower back symptoms were associated with disorders in other body regions. Proper lifting techniques are essential in preventing the injuries often associated with lifting.
SOURCE: Yeung SS, et al. Spine. October 1, 2002; Vol. 27, No. 19, pp. 2166-2172. |
Chiropractic Flying High in Texas
Congress has approved a $750,000 appropriation to allow Texas Chiropractic College to provide comprehensive chiropractic and pain management services to the 147th Fighter Squadron of the Texas Air National Guard at Ellington Field. The grant was approved as part of the fiscal year 2003 Defense Appropriations bill that funds the operations of the Department of Defense, including its health care programs. The program will include prevention, intervention and health promotion to directly target reducing disability and maximizing prevention and recovery in military aviation personnel.
SOURCE: Texas Chiropractic College |
Home Exercise Helps with Knee Pain
Having knee pain can be very difficult for patients, so can a home exercise program help improve the condition? A recent study was conducted to find out whether such a program may help reduce the pain. More than 600 people were involved in the two-year study. Of those patients who received home exercise therapy, it was found that this group showed the most improvement overall. If you find you are experiencing knee pain, contact your doctor of chiropractic for a consultation and evaluation.
SOURCE: Thomas KS, et al. British Medical Journal. October 2002; Vol. 325, No.7367, pp. 752. |