Feature Articles:
Chiropractic is the real McCoy!
If youve ever wondered whether chiropractic is truly research based, the answer is unequivocally yes. Researchers collected data from chiropractic patient files to determine whether the care delivered by chiropractors was supported by good-quality clinical studies. When compared to the many other studies of similar design for other medical specialties, chiropractors were found to provide the highest proportion of care (68.3%) supported by good-quality experimental evidence.
SOURCE: J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2003;26:000 |
Beware of Back Pain Information Online!
One of the main objectives for having both a website and regularly updated online newsletter is to provide accurate, up-to-date health information for our patients. We encourage patients to utilize our website to increase their knowledge on health so they can make better, more informed health decisions for themselves and their family. Unfortunately, many websites contain out-dated and invalid information, especially when it comes to low back pain. We caution our patients and others to beware of information found on health-related websites and to never attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat; this is something best left to your chiropractor or other licensed health care professional!
SOURCE: Spine 2003;28:395-401 |
Vaccinations: The Right to Choose.
According to experts at the 3rd International Public Conference on Vaccination, reactions to the increasing number of vaccinations children now receive may be to blame for the dramatic increase in chronic diseases seen over the past decade. Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), stated, "Learning disabilities, ADHD, asthma have doubled; diabetes has increased three times, and autism by 200 to 600 percent. Why? Persistent anecdotal reports have linked chronic diseases and vaccines. Children were healthy until vaccination, and then experienced severe reactions". The NVIC is a national, non-profit educational organization, advocating vaccine safety research and patients' informed consent. For more information on vaccinations, feel free to contact the American Chiropractic Association at 800-986-4636.
SOURCE: ACA. February 27, 2003. |
Chiropractic Patients, Then and Now.
Danish researchers compared surveys of 2 groups of Danish chiropractic patients. One survey was taken in the early 1960s, the other was taken just a few years back. In both surveys, the most common reason for seeking chiropractic care was for either lower back pain or neck pain, with and without pain extending into the arms and/or legs. In both groups, less than 10 percent visited their chiropractor for non-muscle and joint related problems; known as nonmusculoskeletal disorders. This is unfortunate, as chiropractors offer much more than simply relief from back and neck problems. To see the many ways chiropractic can help you and your loved ones, please contact our office today!
SOURCE: J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2003;26:65-9 |