May is Correct Posture Month
Given that May is correct posture month, what an excellent time to visit our office for a postural tune up! Correct posture is extremely important for spinal health. Incorrect posture stresses the structures of the neck and back leading to early muscle fatigue and those nasty aches and pains. Overtime, incorrect posture can lead to chronic pain and stiffness resulting in irreversible damage to the neck and back. People who tend to sit, type, perform repetitive tasks and frequently lift objects are most susceptible. Call our office today and schedule an appointment for a postural evaluation!
Source: American Chiropractic Association. |
Car Accidents and Whiplash
Involvement in a car accident can be a very traumatic experience, both emotionally and physically. Chiropractors have great success treating musculoskeletal injuries caused by the majority of car accidents, including whiplash. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible and not to wait for those aches and pains to just go away. In fact, according to a recent study of over 350 whiplash victims, 12 months after the accident 40 percent of the male and 50 percent of the female victims still had neck complaints. If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident and has yet to seek treatment or has sought treatment but is still experiencing problems, we urge you to contact our office as soon as possible
we can help!
Source: Spine 2003;28. |
Improved Neck Curvature with Chiropractic Care
Located within the neck, the cervical spine normally possesses a reversed C shape. This curvature minimizes the stresses to the neck musculature and ligaments, keeping the head over the shoulders with as little effort as possible. Sudden injuries such as whiplash and chronic stresses such as poor posture can alter the normal curvature of the cervical spine. Fortunately, new research indicates that chiropractic care can restore the normal spinal curvature!
Source: JMPT; Vol. 26, No. 3. |
Backpack Use and Back Pain in School Children
Most experts believe backpack use in school children contributes to back pain. In a recent study of over 1,000 children aged 12 to 18, children completed a questionnaire developed to determine the link between backpacks and back pain. According to the results, heavy use of backpacks and/or heavily loaded backpacks (as compared to the childs body weight) significantly increases the likelihood of back pain. If your child frequently uses a backpack, excessively loads his or her backpack, or is experiencing back and/or neck pain, contact our office. We can help get your child out of pain and teach him or her the essentials of safe backpacking.
Source: Spine 2003;28. |
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