Back/Neck Pain: Its More Common Than We Thought.
New research indicates that a rather hefty percentage of the population suffers from spinal pain (neck and/or back) at any given time. Based on responses from 5,752 mailed health questionnaires, researchers discovered 29 percent reported spinal pain within a typical one month period. Of those reporting pain, half described the pain as intense and half also described the pain as chronic. Older age, female gender, and to a greater degree, obesity, were strongly associated with back and neck pain. This study highlights the importance of maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle throughout the years.
Source: Spine 2003; 28 (11). |
Walking Away Back Pain
European researchers have supporting evidence that moderate physical activity is beneficial for many people with acute low back pain. In a recent study, researchers found back pain sufferers had a reduction in their level of back pain after 10-15 minutes of treadmill walking at a self-selected speed. A word or caution: Those suffering from back pain should always seek the advise of their licensed chiropractor or other health care professional prior to initiating any physical activity when pain is present. Only a licensed health care provider can determine if physical activity is safe and/or appropriate for your particular condition.
Source: European Spine Journal 2003; Vol. 12, No. 2. |
When It Rains, It Pours
Researchers have found many people suffering from certain health conditions, such as lower back problems, are more likely to suffer from other conditions. In a recent review of more than 20 studies, researchers found low back pain sufferers tend to additionally suffer from other disorders such as headaches/migraines, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disease and poor general health. According to the researchers, diseases cluster in some individuals and low back pain is often a part of this pattern. However, the nature of this relationship is still unclear.
Source: JMPT 2003; Vol. 26, No. 4. |
Dont Fear The Mouse!
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association evaluated the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome (irritation of the median nerve which causes tingling, numbness and pain in the hand) from computer use. Researchers collected data from over 5,000 people. A very low incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in association with mouse use (more than 20 hours/week) and no statistically significant association with keyboard use was found. Researchers concluded, computer use does not seem to pose a severe occupational hazard for carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you are experiencing tingling, numbness and/or pain in the hand or any other part of the body, we encourage you to contact our office for a proper evaluation. Early prevention is the key!
Source: JAMA; Vol. 289, No. 22. |
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