Chiropractic Care: Essential For Back Pain
Research supporting chiropractic care for back ailments continues to build. In another recent study, researchers compared low back pain sufferers who received manipulation (the most common chiropractic therapy), exercises and physician consultation to physician consultation alone. According to their findings, the manipulative-treatment group showed more significant reductions in pain intensity and in self-rated disability.
Source: Spine 2003;28:2185-2191.
Chiropractic for Ankylosing Spondylitis
A recently published case report suggests even patients with advanced ankylosing spondylitis may benefit from chiropractic care. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a condition involving inflammation and fusion of the spine. While chiropractic care is generally advantageous during the earlier stages of AS, researchers were unclear whether similar success might be experienced during the later stages, where inflammation and fusion is more progressed. In this report, a 30 year-old male with fusion of his sacroiliac joints and lower back and neck did experience increased spinal flexibility and overall improvement with chiropractic care!
Source: JMPT; October 2003, Volume 26, Number 8.
Ladies: Drive With Caution
Research has shown females are significantly more likely to suffer from the effects of whiplash after an auto accident as compared with males. It is believed the reason for this is increased mobility and decreased muscle mass of the neck. Symptoms can remain years after whiplash has occurred and include headaches, blurry vision, ringing in the ears, irritability, dizziness, fatigue, pain between the shoulder blades, pain numbness tingling in the extremities and lower back pain and stiffness. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, contact our office today
we can help you!
Source: Journal of Biomechanics. September 2003; Vol. 36.
Check Yourself Before Your Wreck Yourself
Did you know most people have one leg shorter than the other? Did you know that research has shown differences in leg length significantly increase degeneration in the spine and pelvis leading to disabling spinal disorders? Leg length differences are most commonly due to misalignments and/or muscle imbalances in the back and/or pelvis, resulting in what appears to be a short leg. Chiropractors are highly trained to detect and correct these misalignments and muscle imbalances. Contact our office for a convenient appointment today! Checking for leg length differences is fast, easy and absolutely painless.
Source: Spine 2003;28:2472-2476. |
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