Chiropractic Better For Low Back Pain
A recent study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics shows spinal manipulation (the most common chiropractic procedure) provides a better outcome than other forms of care in those suffering from low back pain of less than 3 months duration. Spinal manipulation was compared with placebo, receiving no treatment and massage therapy. Results of the study were based on pain, time to return to work, adverse events, disability, quality of life and patient satisfaction with the therapy received.
Source: JMPT 2003;26:9.
Presidential Candidates Endorse Chiropractic!
According to ACA President Donald Krippendorf, DC, "Though they may often disagree on other issues, the leading presidential candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination appear to completely agree on the value and benefits of chiropractic care." Governor Howard Dean, Congressman Dick Gephardt, Senator John Kerry, Senator John Edwards, General Wesley Clark and Senator Joe Lieberman round out the list of candidates who have submitted positive statements on chiropractic care. Appears these candidates are all in the know when it comes to the benefits of safe, natural, effective health care!
Source: American Chiropractic Association; January 12, 2004
Calling All Auto Accident Victims
Basic rest, use of a soft neck collar and gradual increased self mobilization are often the standard care provided to auto accident victims. Unfortunately, new research shows this type of traditional care to be highly inferior. Recent findings show those with auto accident induced whiplash have far better outcomes when receiving active intervention by an adequately trained health care professional, as opposed to standard care. This hands on active care, as provided by chiropractors, is simply one of the best treatment choices for those suffering from whiplash and other soft tissue injuries.
Source: Spine 2003;28;2491-2498
Exercise Versus Fusion
Lumbar fusion surgery is commonly employed in those suffering from lower back pain. However, mounting research is finding a properly designed and implemented exercise program is actually more beneficial for most. Not to mention, surgery is far more expensive and far less safe. Another problem with fusion of the lower back is the loss of muscle strength, muscle size and lower back mobility. In a recent study, the primary outcomes of the two treatments were similar. However, those receiving exercises versus fusion had significantly better muscle strength and muscle density in the lower back. The muscles of the lower spine are important in preventing future back problems.
Source: Spine 2004;29:3-8 |
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