The Power of Chiropractic Care
Researchers recently performed a review of the literature to see if chiropractic adjustments would have a positive influence in an asymptomatic persons overall health. Surprisingly, more than twenty studies were found documenting objective health benefits in subjects who were specifically described as asymptomatic, healthy, normal, or free from physical injury. Researchers concluded, It is plausible that chiropractic care may be of benefit to every function of the body and have the potential for long-term, overall health benefit to those receiving chiropractic care.
Source: JVSR April 26, 2004. |
Back Pain Youre Not Born With It!
According to a study of more than 2,000 twins aged 70 and older, back pain in old age is seldom genetic. Instead, the findings indicated individual environmental effects were found to explain roughly 75% of the occurrence of back pain in men and 100% in women. In other words, what largely determines whether we are likely to suffer from back pain relies heavily on what we expose our spines to and how we choose to treat back injuries, should they occur.
Source: Spine: Volume 29(8) 15 April 2004
Caution: Baby Aboard
Now that spring is in the air, parents with young children will begin dusting off those baby joggers and bike trailers that have been stored away all winter. But while these items can help parents keep fit while bonding with their babies, they can also be the cause of pain and injury if not used properly, warns the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). They also recommend that when biking with a child on board, use a trailer, a rolling ride-along that hitches to the back end of a bike. It is a much safer option than a carrier, a "passenger" seat that sits directly on the bike. For those wishing to go for a jog and bring their child along for the ride, the baby jogger is the best option. A baby jogger is a rolling pushcart that a parent can jog behind, using handlebars to maneuver.
Source: American Chiropractic Association.
Treatment Results Sustained
Many studies have shown the short-term effectiveness of multidisciplinary pain treatment programs for chronic low back pain. However, few studies have documented that these treatment gains are maintained over time. A recently published study appears to address this by determining whether treatment results for chronic low back pain were sustained for a period of 13-years. According to study findings, patients maintained their treatment gains in all areas. Additionally, patients showed levels of general health comparable to similarly aged peers.
Source: Spine: Volume 29(8) 15 April 2004 |
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