Feature Articles:
Back Pain: A Complex Situation
Ever thought back pain was a relatively straight forward problem with a quick fix? According to over 90 percent of primary care physicians (this includes chiropractors), back pain is not merely one basic condition. Rather, back pain is a complex condition with more often than not, multiple factors attributing to its presence. In addition, research has shown that 80 percent of back pain is nonspecific, making an accurate diagnosis and treatment program difficult. Chiropractors are among the best educated and experienced health care providers dealing with back and spinal conditions. So who are you going to see when back pain visits you?
SOURCE: Spine - 29(9): May 1, 2004 |
We Can Help
And You Know It!
According to the American Chiropractic Association, a new comprehensive government survey, conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, reveals that 36 percent of Americans are incorporating complementary and alternative medicines into their health care regimen. Many of these patients have utilized complementary and alternative medicines to help in treating back pain, neck pain and other musculoskeletal conditions. Two-thirds of all patients who sought care from a licensed complementary/alternative provider visited a doctor of chiropractic. According to the survey, nearly 40 percent of chiropractic patients indicated they felt conventional medicine could not help their condition!
SOURCE: American Chiropractic Association June 2004 |
Back Pain Down Under
Seems as those our Aussie friends are just as plagued with back problems as we are. According to current research, 25 percent of our friends down under are suffering from lower back pains. A total of 68 percent have suffered low back pain within the last 12 months. Over 10 percent have been significantly disabled by low back pain in the previous 6 months. And, approximately 80 percent have suffered low back pain at some point in their lifetime. Fortunately, the majority of the back pain is of low pain intensity. It is also associated with low disability. Perhaps back pain is better in Australia!
SOURCE: JMPT - May 2004 Volume 27 Number 4 |
Relax At Your Own Risk
Muscle relaxants have become one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for back and musculoskeletal conditions. Results from a recent survey indicate that eighty-five percent of users take muscle relaxants for back pain or muscle disorders. And, although typically recommended for short-term treatment of back pain, researchers stated, muscle relaxants are often used chronically and are prescribed to those potentially at risk for adverse effects. Fortunately, most prudent health care providers recommend the use of safe, natural, non-invasive treatment methods prior to the use of drugs and surgery, both of which have numerous highly negative side effects. Chiropractic care has been shown to be an extremely safe and highly effective treatment for back pain as well as many other musculoskeletal conditions.
SOURCE: Spine - 29(8): April 15, 2004 |