Neck Disorders and Adjustments
A recent review of studies involving manipulation and/or mobilization (both safe, common treatments provided by chiropractors) of neck disorders found favorable results. According to researchers, mobilization and/or manipulation when used with exercise were both beneficial for persistent mechanical neck disorders with or without headache. Chiropractors receive more training on manipulation/mobilization of the spine and extremities compared with all other health care providers.
Source: Spine. 29(14):1541-1548. |
Side Air Bags Save Lives
According to emergency medical experts, installing side air bags in all cars could prevent more than 2,000 deaths or cases of serious brain injury. People in cars hit from the side were more than twice as likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries than people hit head-on or from behind. Currently, new car buyers pay about $400 extra for optional side air bags.
Source: Reuters. July 16, 2004. |
Seniors Extend Life With Exercise
According to Swedish researchers, seniors aged 65 years and older can actually extend their life expectancy by exercising. Those who participated in hour-long walks or occasional physical activity were 28 percent less likely to die from any cause compared with those who admitted had practically no exercise at all. Those who were more active (fast walks, jogging or cycling about once a week) were 40 percent less likely to die.
Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, July 2004. |
Broil That Fish!
The latest research indicates consuming fish which has been broiled or baked, but not fried, reduces the risk of developing atrial fibrillations - irregular rhythms in the upper chambers of the heart. According to the Harvard Medical School in Boston, "The results suggest that regular intake of tuna or other broiled or baked fish may be a simple and important deterrent to atrial fibrillation among older men and women."
Source: Circulation, July 20, 2004.
Acetaminophen Use Hard On Kidneys
The active ingredient of TylenolTM, Acetaminophen, has been shown to cause a decline in kidney function with prolonged use. According to study author Gary Curhan of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston,
this study suggests a need for the medical community to consider alternative pain therapies that may help patients avoid long-term dependence on these drugs until we clearly understand the potential side effects. Worse yet, experts claim Acetaminophen is less likely to harm the kidneys than other pain relievers.
Source: Circulation, July 20, 2004.
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