Chiropractic Therapies Reduce Pain and Disability
Recently, researchers conducted a study on back pain patients to compare the effects of staying active while receiving manual therapy (therapies commonly used by chiropractic doctors), with the effects of simply staying active. A total of 160 people were involved during this 10 week study. Results collected showed those receiving the manual therapies had less pain and a lower physical disability after the treatment as compared to those who did not receive manual therapies.
Source: JMPT. September 2004 Volume 27 Number 7
Vitamin E and Diabetes
New Zealand researchers recently found vitamin E could play a role in delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes (adult onset) in at-risk individuals. According to the researchers, vitamin E may boost insulin sensitivity and decrease diabetes risk in a number of ways, including by reducing oxidative stress to cells and by improving liver function. Past studies have found similar results.
Source: Diabetes Care, September 2004.
Chiropractic Versus Medical Costs
A review of workers compensation claims made in North Carolina between 1975 and 1994 found chiropractic care cost less than medical care. According to findings, the average cost of treatment, hospitalization, and compensation payments were higher for patients treated by MDs than for patients treated by DCs (chiropractors). Also, the average number of lost workdays for patients treated by MDs was higher than for those treated by DCs.
Source: JMPT. September 2004 Volume 27 Number 7
Preventing Ankle Sprains In Athletes
With minimal time and effort, certain athletes can reduce their likelihood of sustaining ankle injuries by 60 percent. The solution a balance board. Balance boards consist of a board laid on top of a round device, requiring the use of balance to stay standing on the board. Currently, experts use the balance board to help patients rehabilitate after ankle sprains, re-strengthening muscles and ligaments. However, as this study has shown, preventative maintenance also appears to be beneficial.
Source: The American Journal of Sports Medicine, September 2004.
Cancer Smelling Dogs
UK researchers have found success in dogs ability to detect bladder cancer by smelling urine. In recent testing, six dogs of different breeds were trained for 7 months to discriminate between urine from bladder cancer patients and urine from cancer-free patients. While the dogs success was not perfect, it was 41 percent successful versus 14 percent as expected by chance alone. In one case, a subject was consistently identified as positive for bladder cancer by the dogs, even though cystoscopy and ultrasound results were negative.
Source: British Medical Journal. September 24, 2004.
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