This Issue's Feature Articles: Chiropractors - More Educated Than You Think Painkillers, Killers? Just Relax Broccoli May Fight Cancer Cells Chiropractors - More Educated Than You Think Ever thought your chiropractor was just an expert for your back, neck and spinal problems? Like medical doctors, chiropractors are in fact primary healthcare providers. The truth is the education of a doctor of chiropractic is very similar to that of a medical doctor. In a recent study, researchers tested a group of chiropractic students in their final-term as well as a group of medical students entering their residency programs. The testing consisted of primary care tasks. The results? Chiropractic students scored almost as well as the medical students in the primary care examination and scored better in musculoskeletal conditions. If medical schools are truly the gold standard of primary care, chiropractors are faring quite well! Source: JMPT. June 2005. Painkillers, Killers? While many individuals have been conditioned to reach for painkillers in order to achieve quick relief from musculoskeletal pain, the associated risks and side effects can be very serious. British scientists have found additional proof showing painkillers can increase the risk of suffering a heart attack. These findings come from a study of more than 9,000 patients where the use of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) increased the rate of heart attacks. According to researchers, Enough concerns may exist to warrant a reconsideration of the cardiovascular safety of all NSAIDs." Source: British Medical Journal. June 2005. Just Relax Emotional stress is known to negatively affect the bodys ability to heal after surgery as well as to decrease the overall health of the body. Results from a new study indicate heart surgery patients who learned breathing relaxation techniques and received soothing touch and music prior to their heart surgery were 65 percent less likely to die within the 6 months following surgery. Prior to surgery, people trained in "healing touch", putting their hands in specific places on patients' bodies, designed to shift energy around the body and promote healing. Patients also listened to their choice of soothing music, which included approximately 10 minutes of guided imagery. Additionally, they learned about deep breathing, which they were told to continue during the procedure, for which they were awake. In addition to an increased survival rate, these patients also experienced a profound decrease in emotional distress before their surgery. Source: The Lancet, July 16, 2005. Broccoli May Fight Cancer Cells Broccoli is one of our familys favorite vegetables and we hope its a favorite of yours too! New research findings indicate eating broccoli may slow and help prevent the spread of bladder cancer. Certain broccoli compounds appear to interfere with bladder cancer cells, especially those aggressive cells that tend to spread throughout the body quickly. Previous research has also shown men who eat broccoli regularly are less likely to develop bladder cancer. Other potential cruciferous vegetable cancer fighters include broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts. Source: Reuters. August 2005. Powered by Copyright 2005 © All rights reserved. Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited. |