Feature Articles:
Neck Pain Sufferers Should Seek Immediate Care
A new study indicates that those suffering from neck pain have the best outcome when they seek care sooner rather than later. In the study, researchers evaluated a number of variables to determine which ones might predict the outcome of their chiropractic treatments. When evaluating reported neck pain levels, neck disability and perceived recovery after treatment, researchers found the only variable that was consistent in predicting the treatment outcome was the duration of neck pain during the person's first visit. Those who received chiropractic care sooner consistently tended to have better treatment outcomes. It should be understood that chiropractic care is also appropriate and effective for subacute and chronic neck pain, however, those neck pain sufferers seeking care sooner typically experience a better treatment outcome. Therefore, as common sense also dictates, we recommend you don't simply wait for your neck pain to go away. Instead, take a proactive and proven course of action - seek immediate chiropractic evaluation for your neck pain in order to achieve the best outcome possible.
AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: Spine. 33(13):1451-1458, June 1, 2008.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2008 |
Exercise and Diet Delays/Prevents Diabetes
A recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet indicates that type 2 diabetes can be reduced by changing one's diet and adding an exercise regimen, and that these interventions can have a lasting effect. Type 2 diabetes is associated with physical inactivity and obesity. It also accounts for 90 percent of diabetes cases that affect almost a quarter of a billion people worldwide. In this Chinese study, 577 adults with impaired glucose tolerance from 33 clinics were randomly assigned to a control group or an intervention group receiving either a modified diet, exercise or both. The interventions took place for 6 consecutive years. Fourteen years after their initial 6 years of intervention participants were re-evaluated. During the 20 years (6 years of intervention and 14 years post-intervention), participants with the modified diet and exercise had a 51 percent lower incidence of diabetes during their 6 years of active intervention and a 43 percent lower incidence of diabetes when viewed over the total 20 year period. The average annual incidence of diabetes was 7 percent for intervention participants versus 11 percent in control participants, with 20-year cumulative incidence of 80 percent in the intervention groups and 93 percent in the control group. In other words, many participants in the diet with exercise intervention group were able to prevent or delay diabetes for up to 14 years after the active intervention ended.
AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: The Lancet 2008; 371:1783-1789
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2008 |
Shock Absorbing Insoles Good For Arthritic Knee Pain
While using shock absorbing insoles for people suffering from arthritic knee pain seems to make perfect sense, there is little evidence that they actually work. That was, until a recent study indicated just that. According to researcher and physical therapist Judy Foxworth, using a $20 off-the-shelf shock absorbing insole in the shoes of 60 seniors suffering from arthritic knee pain significantly reduced knee pain after a 6-minute walk. Surprisingly, in evaluating the subjects' gait mechanics and ability of the insoles to reduce forces in the knee, no differences were found as compared with those without the shock absorbing insoles. However, since the seniors reported less pain after using the off-the-shelf shock absorbing insoles, it appears to be worth the $20 even if it's unclear how they reduced arthritic knee pain.
AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: American College of Sports Medicine; 55th Annual Meeting - May 28-31, 2008.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2008 |
Knowing The Signs Of A Heart Attack
For those who suffer a heart attack, receiving treatment within one hour increases the chances of survival. Unfortunately, most are not admitted to the hospital until 2.5 to 3 hours after their symptoms arise. This delay in seeking treatment may be largely due to a lack of knowledge as indicated by a new report. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing administered a true-false test to more than 3,500 patients in the US, Australia and New Zealand who had previously suffered a heart attack or had undergone procedures for heart disease. Sadly, 44 percent scored poorly on their ability to identify symptoms of a heart attack. This may help explain why previous studies have found those who have previously suffered a heart attack and suffer a subsequent attack do not seek help any faster than those who have never suffered a heart attack in the past. It's extremely important to be able to identify the potential symptoms of a pending heart attack, especially for those who have heart disease, those who have suffered a previous heart attack and those over the age of 50.
According to the American Heart Association's website (http://www.americanheart.org):
"Some heart attacks are sudden and intense the 'movie heart attack,' where no one doubts what's happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening:
- Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
- Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
- Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
- Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness"
AUTHOR: ChiroPlanet.com
SOURCE: Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(10):1026.
COPYRIGHT: ProfessionalPlanets.com LLC 2008 |