Health In-Site
September 2008 - Volume 98
This Issue's Feature Articles:
» Is Chiropractic Care Risky Business?
» Chiropractic Effective In Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain
» Overcome The Obesity Gene Curse
» ATV's Responsible For Serious Spinal Injuries
» Is Chiropractic Care Risky Business?
A newly published study in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics reconfirms the safety of chiropractic care by reporting, "The best evidence suggests that chiropractic care is a useful therapy for subjects with neck or low-back pain for which the risks of serious adverse events should be considered negligible." In a review of the current literature, researchers found that even the most adverse events associated spinal manipulation, a primary procedure used by the majority of chiropractors, are benign and self-limiting. Thus, those who may be concerned about initiating chiropractic care due to safety issues should rest assured that chiropractic care is not only highly effective for a variety of health conditions and related symptoms, it's also extremely safe.
Source: JMPT. Volume 31, Issue 6, Pages 461-464 (July 2008)
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» Chiropractic Effective In Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain
Many expecting mothers are well aware of the toll pregnancy has on their lower backs. The rapid weight gain and resulting postural changes often wreaks havoc on structures of the low back resulting in one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, lower back pain (LBP). Like many sources of LBP, chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment, even for expecting mothers. In a recent review of published research evaluating chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, for pregnancy-related LBP, researchers found that all studies reported positive results for chiropractic care of LBP during pregnancy. While there aren't a large number of studies to draw from and more elaborate studies are needed, those currently conducted have shown chiropractic care to be beneficial and safe for pregnancy-related LBP.
Source: JMPT. Volume 31, Issue 6, Pages 447-454 (July 2008)
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» Overcome The Obesity Gene Curse
Medical researchers have known for quite some time that obesity has a genetic link within the human body. This genetic component makes it easy for certain individuals to pack on the extra pounds while others with the same dietary habits remain far leaner. The good news is that researchers have discovered those genetically predisposed to obesity can overcome this predisposition. In a recent study of Amish people, those with the obesity-related gene FTO, present in more than half of all people of European descent, who were very much physically active weighed the same as those without the obesity-related gene. Researchers were able to conclude that vigorous activity was able to more or less deactivate the effects of this extremely common obesity-related gene. Changes in lifestyle, primarily the reduction in physical activity, have made the effects of this gene much more pronounced than in the past. Therefore, it's time to get active and join us in saying, no more excuses!
Source: Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(16):1791-1797.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008
» ATV's Responsible For Serious Spinal Injuries
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) accounted for an estimated 136,100 injuries and 767 deaths in 2005 alone. Moreover and the main reason we bring this to your attention, ATV injuries are associated with a high rate of spinal injuries, especially axial compression and burst-type fractures to the spinal vertebrae. Thus, while we sincerely want our patients to enjoy themselves and their ATV's, we want them to be acutely aware of the high incidence of ATV-related injuries as well as the seriousness of these types of injuries. Enjoy and please be safe!
Source: Spine. 33(18):1982-1985, August 15, 2008.
Copyright Holder: LLC 2008