Hip Flexor (Quad) Stretchpage back


The "stretched" leg is extended behind the torso while the other leg is bent and positioned in front of the torso.


Gently lean forward while thrusting the pelvis forward and down. A comfortable stretch should be felt in the front of the anterior thigh of the rear leg. Hold this position for a count of ___ seconds. Repeat ___ times, then perform this movement on the opposite side.

Repeat this sequence ___ times.
Perform ___ times per day.
Perform ___ days per week.

CAUTION: If this or any other stretch/exercise causes pain, tingling, numbness or other abnormality, immediately discontinue and contact our office as soon as possible.

: The exercises/stretches contained within this website are solely for the use of existing, active patients of our clinic who have received a prescription for these exercises/stretches. Other individuals do not have our permission to perform the exercises/stretches contained within. Attempting to perform these exercises/stretches, unless explicitly prescribed by our office, could result in serious injury or a worsening of existing conditions.

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